Appointments for research services are strongly advised.
The Local History Research Library is open for walk-ins on Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. with limited reference materials.
Archives and the Research Library
ArchIves 101
Donna began working at The History Center (then called the DeWitt Historical Society) in 1999 as a volunteer in the archives. She later worked on cataloging and rehousing artifacts for the Historic Treasures Unwrapped! project, and became archivist in 2001, where she has been ever since. Her experience also working as acting curator for several years helped inform her perspective on presenting local history to a broad public. Her primary goal as archivist is to make The History Center's unique and diverse collections as accessible as possible. In addition to managing the Archives and Cornell Local History Research Library, she teaches archival workshops and fosters a love for historical materials in students and researchers of all ages.
About The Archives
The archival collections housed at The History Center are available for a wide variety of resource purposes. Whether you are a home-buyer interested in knowing more about your house, a returning local interested in genealogy, or a historic photography enthusiast, we have something for you.
The archives house over 2,000 family genealogy files, over 200 oral history interviews, 250 bound ledgers, 440 scrapbooks, 1,200 maps, more than 3,500 local history books, extensive manuscript collections, newspapers dating back to 1819, and dozens of regional photographic collections from as early as 1865.
Contact Donna Eschenbrenner, Director of Archives and Research services with questions about our holdings or to schedule an appointment in the Research Library.
Research Library use is free to Tompkins County residents
$10.00/day for all other researchers
Research by email or regular mail requests is $50.00/hour + tax
Service Fees for photocopying vary
Archives & Library
Archival Collections Finding Aids
Native Americans: Overview of Holdings
Oral History Collections
Rural Heritage: Selection of Holdings
Manuscript Collections
Local and regional history books
Business Ledgers
Historic newspapers
Genealogy Resources
Family genealogy files - On over 2,000 Tompkins County families (Family File Name List)
Individual bound family genealogy books
Individual family genealogies
HistoryForge Database
Obituary listings
Cemetery listings
Interactive Map of Tompkins County Cemeteries
Death and marriage notices
Census records
Ithaca City Directories
Local history books
Photographic Collections
General photo collection
Family albums
Photograph albums
Local professional photographers' collections
Identified Individuals photograph collection
Stereoviews & cartes-de-visite
Family, Business, and Organizations Collections
Daguerreotypes, tintypes, and ambrotypes.
Built Environment Resources
HistoryForge Database
1866 Atlas of Tompkins County
Sanborn Insurance Maps - 1893, 1904, 1910, 1919, 1929 (updated in 1961 and 1965)
1836, 1851, 1868, 1872, and 1889 Ithaca City Maps
Historic Structure Reports and theses
Bird's Eye Views of Ithaca (1873, 1882)
Military Tract Map and Balloting Book (1825)
Tompkins County Historic Maps Online