During 2023, gifts at all levels made a difference for our work. Your support made sure we could purchase top of the line preservation materials to save artifacts, pictures, maps, and so much more. Now, we can guarantee that all of it will be saved for your grandchildren... and for much, much longer! Your generosity also meant we could offer free programming for our community, so that we could explore our past and present together. Finally, contributions this year made sure that everyone continues to benefit from free, hands-on, research support and guidance.
A $50.00 gift from David D. purchased an archival quality textile box to preserve hockey jerseys from the Shooting Stars - Ithaca's first formal women's youth hockey team! | A $100.00 gift from Hellen M. bought field trip supplies for a record number of time-traveling grade schoolers who visited the 8 Square Schoolhouse in 1892. | A $500 gift from Donna B. funded a free Corn Husk Doll workshop with Penny Minner (Seneca) exploring traditional Haudenosaunee art and craft. |
We also accept online donations through Paypal, which you can access through the button below!
Checks can be mailed to: The History Center in Tompkins County c/o Ben Sandberg 110 North Tioga Street 204 Suite A Ithaca NY 14850 |
Physical Address Located inside the Tompkins Center for History & Culture 110 North Tioga Street (On the Ithaca Commons) Ithaca NY, 14850 USA | Hours Exhibit Hall - Wednesday-Saturday 10am-6pm - CLOSED Sun-Tues Cornell Local History Research Library & Archives - By appointment only. Please contact archives@thehistorycenter.net | Contact Email: Refer to Contact page for individual emails, General inquiries to community@thehistorycenter.net Phone: 607-273-8284 Web: thehistorycenter.net |
Find us on social media @tompkinshistory |