The Eight Square Schoolhouse Living History program is designed for fourth grades and home school groups. Step back in time to 1892 and experience a school-day in this one-room school building built in 1827. Use pre- and post-trip supplementary materials to dig deeper. Questions students will explore: What was it like for children to attend a rural one room school in the late 19th century? What is the purpose of education? How does this history impact who I am today?
The History Center partners with Kids Discover the Trail! to offer this program to 4th grade students in Tompkins County public schools.
The program is also available for homeschool groups, private and charter schools. Contact us to learn more!
Visit The History Center on the Ithaca Commons with your class! Explore local history and make connections to your classroom curriculum. Open to grades pre-K through college. Field trips explore our Exhibit Hall and Research Library and can include topics such as: Haudenosaunee history & culture, the Tommy Plane and local inventions, the People of Tompkins County, Maps throughout Tompkins County history, and more. We can also design a program with you to meet your classroom needs.
Field trips offered to public school students (K-12) support classes in meeting NYS Social Studies Framework.
Field trips may include introductions to our Exhibit Hall displays, Research Library, living history performances, and handouts, local history coloring pages, or scavenger hunts to supplement your visit.
Private tours and field trips for groups are available at $150-$225 sliding scale in support of The History Center.
REQUEST A FIELD TRIPCollege/University Professors: Partner with The History Center to bring local history into your course. Options include: bring your students to The History Center for a tour, collaborate with us as a community partner for a community-engaged course, or develop a research project utilizing our archives and collections. Let us know what your ideas are!
Examples of past and current collaborations include:
Tompkins County's Attic by Ferme Productions Filmed by Antonio Ferme for the Spring 2020 Documentary Journalism Workshop at Ithaca College. For more information about this course please contact James Rada: Interviews with Donna Eschenbrenner, Ben Sandberg , and Gene Endres (long time volunteer at The History Center and former local journalist) in the winter of 2020. Video has been shared here with Antonio Ferme's permission. |