Music of Central New York w/ Dave Ruch
WHEN: Saturday November 14th - 2-3pm
WHERE: CAP ArtSpace in the Tompkins Center for History & Culture on the Ithaca Commons
PRESENTERS: Dave Ruch - Music Historian & Performer
Kids (ages 6-14) & families are invited to take a musical trip around Tompkins County and Central New York with songs and stories from the Erie Canal, the Haudenosaunee people, the underground railroad, rural farms, traveling circuses and more. Dave Ruch is a full-time musician and performer widely noted for his ability to engage audiences of all kinds. With banjo, mandolins, jaw harp, washboard, bones, spoons and more, his music has been featured on American Public Media, NPR, PBS, CBS Sunday Morning, and on stages across the United States, Canada and the UK. www.daveruch.com
We are inviting 15 children to attend the live-streamed program at The History Center on the Ithaca Commons on November 14th. These children will be given the opportunity to talk with Dave in a live Q&A session following the presentation, and time to explore the History Center Exhibit Hall.
The program will also be live-streamed through The History Center's Facebook page (facebook.com/tompkinshistory) where it can be viewed by anyone from home.
Donations to this program will support future youth programs at The History Center in Tompkins County.
This event is brought to you by The History Center in Tompkins County and Dave Ruch Music through grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the New York State Council of the Arts.
This FREE program is intended for kids ages 6-14 of all abilities. Participants must pre-register, preference for registrants will go to youth although we will accept a waitlist. NO DROP-INS. Registration is limited to 15 children for the live event. This event will include loud sounds, any participants with sensory sensitivities are encouraged to participate from home so they can adjust volume levels as needed.
If you have registered but become unable to attend, please contact community@thehistorycenter.net so we can offer your space to others on the waitlist.