Douglass Day Transcribe-a-thon
WHEN: Wednesday February 14th - 12-3pm
WHERE: Joe Mareane Conference Room (Second Floor) in the Tompkins Center for History & Culture on the Ithaca Commons - 110 North Tioga St. Ithaca NY 14850.
ABOUT: Every Valentine’s Day, 'Douglass Day' organizers invite you to a birthday party for Frederick Douglass. Although Douglass never knew his birthdate, he chose to celebrate every year on February 14th. We celebrate this date as a moment for creating Black history together.
Douglass Day 2024 will prioritize transcribing general correspondence of Frederick Douglass from the Library of Congress. We will attempt to transcribe all 8,731 pages in one day!
History Center staff will help you get started on the platform, and work with you through any sticky transcription spots!
TO BRING: We will have three computers available, but we encourage participants to bring their own laptop.
No registration or transcription experience necessary.
Each year History Center volunteers and student workers contribute to the Douglass Day digitization efforts in February. In 2023 we transcribed the papers of Mary Ann Shadd Cary (1823-1893). She was one of
the earliest Black women to edit a newspaper, serve as a Civil War recruiter, attend law school, and so much more.
Each year participants across the country support efforts to digitize and improve accessibility of historically underrepresented figures whose work supported the justice efforts espoused by Frederick Douglass during his life. In 2022 we helped with the 'Colored Conventions' records, and in 2021 we contributed to the Mary Church Terrell papers.
COVID-19 POLICY - The History Center will follow the most up to date guidance from the Tompkins County Health Department. Our organization is a mask friendly space and encourage visitors to practice what is most comfortable to them regarding mask wearing. Learn more at thehistorycenter.net/health.
This event is brought to you as part of our Black History Month programming, we encourage our audience to engage with and learn about the Black history of Tompkins County throughout the year - Explore thehistorycenter.net/black-history.
This event will take place in the traditional and contemporary lands of the Gayogo̱hó:nǫ' Nation (Cayuga), one of the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Learn more at thehistorycenter.net/land-acknowledgement.